Browse the various ways to get connected with the Grace Church family.
Membership @ Grace
Children's Ministries
Core Seminars
Sunday Morning Classes
Youth Ministries
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Care Ministry
Outreach Ministries
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Watch Past Sermons
Curious about what a Sunday at Grace is like? You can watch past sermons on our YouTube channel, or subscribe and listen via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
1320 D Street
Salida, CO 81201
P.O. Box 100
Salida, CO 81201
Membership @ Grace
Interested in becoming a member of Grace Church? Download our Membership Application and Member’s Pledge, then turn in to the church office and one of our pastors will get in touch with you!
Children's Ministries
This semester, our Sunday morning Children’s Ministry classes will be studying The Gospel Project: Acts & Revelation. On Wednesday evenings, our PreK–4th graders will study TeamKID: The 4 Gospels, and our 5th & 6th graders will study apologetics.
At Grace, our Family & Children’s Ministries operate on the following semester schedule:
- Current Semester: January 12th, 2025 through May 18th, 2025* (with a Spring Break from March 16th–23rd 2025) *Please note: Wednesday night programming will end 04/30/25.
For more information, contact Jessica Weeks.
Nursery (birth–2 yrs): Purple & Orange Classrooms
Nursery (birth-2 yrs): Purple & Orange Classrooms
3 yrs & potty-trained–Kindergarten: Blue Classroom
1st–3rd: Red Classroom
4th–6th: Yellow Classroom
*Download the Grace Kids Sunday calendar.
Family Dinner (optional): Multipurpose Room
*Click here to check out our menu!
(Check-in @ 5:45pm)
Meet in the Auditorium for Opening
Blueberries (4yrs–Kindergarten): Blue Classroom
Strawberries (1st–2nd Grade): Red Classroom
Aspens (3rd–4th Grade):Green Classroom
Explorers (5th–6th Grade): Yellow Classroom
*Download the Grace Kids Wednesday calendar
*Click here to read about Special Events!
Core Seminars

2nd & 4th Wednesdays | 6:10pm–7:10pm
January 8th–April 30th, 2025
Mezzanine | No Childcare Available
This semester in Core Seminars we will tackle systematic theology: part II. Just what is Systematic Theology? Well, it is the orderly arrangement of the study of God into logical, topical divisions. A more pithy definition would be “the Bible’s Answers to Big Questions.”
For example, what does the Bible say about eschatology? The practice of systematic theology is to gather all the texts that deal with eschatology, interpret them within the broad storyline of Scripture (Biblical Theology), and then summarize them in a faithful and coherent manner. Which is what we’ll be doing together, week by week on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 6:10pm to 7:10pm, with topics such as the plan of redemption, the doctrine of the church, and eschatology.
You might be asking, “Why should I care about and study Systematic Theology?”
Great question!
Let me give three reasons you should care about systematic theology.
First, for God’s glory. God is glorified when we seek to know Him. Paul said it this way: “And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you may approve the things that are superior and may be pure and blameless in the day of Messiah, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Messiah to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11, CSB). So the objective of studying theology is to come to know God better, live in light of that knowledge, and glorify him by that kind of living.
Second, to accurately reflect Jesus to others. As the body of Jesus, we study theology so that the church can be an accurate reflection of him to the world. In a time when the very concept of truth is called into question, the church needs to be ready to “give a reason for the hope that it has.” For it’s through us as a church family that the manifold witness of God is made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 3:10).
Third, and finally, we should study theology because doctrine matters. Being a disciple of Jesus goes far beyond making a one-time decision. Hear Jesus in John 8:31: “If you continue in my word, you really are my disciples.” You see, we can’t just make up what we think God is like or imagine that He will approve this or that. If we did, too often He would look just like us. Perhaps this is why Paul warns Timothy that “the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear what they want to hear. They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4, CSB).
It is the temptation of fallen man to determine our theology much like a lunch buffet or fantasy football team. But the Bible grants no Christian the right to pick and choose which biblical doctrines he wants to understand and believe. The Bible talks about hell, so we need to know about hell. The Bible talks about election, providence, creation, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and so we need to know all that Scripture says about these realities…and more.
So join me in the adventure of discovering the Bible’s answers to some really big questions. All you need to bring is your Bible and a pencil, as even the paper you need to take notes on will be provided in the form of a weekly handout for that evening’s session. Well, I guess I should say bring your curiosity and questions too! For this will be an interactive time of learning, discussing what we’re learning, together.
And just like last year, each evening’s session will be recorded and posted on the Grace Church Salida podcast available on our website, Apple and Spotify Podcasts, and through whatever podcast app you use.
If you have any questions leading up to this core seminar, or if you’re trying to figure out if this seminar is for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
I hope to see you there!
Tolle Lege,
Pastor Matthew
Youth Ministries
Current Semester: January 12th, 2025 through May 18th, 2025 (with a Spring Break from March 16th–23rd 2025)
Sunday School
9th–12th Grade
Sundays @ 10:45am
Current Study: Gospel Identity
The Youth Room (Gray Classroom)
Free Youth Breakfast
9th–12th Grade
Fridays @ 9am | Twice per month
Grace Church
High School Adventure
Once a month (location and date vary)
High School Small Groups
Several groups (location and date vary)
Young Life
9th–12th Grade
Mondays @ 7:27pm
Wilderness Expeditions Barn
Sunday Morning Classes
The Apostle Peter, writing his final words in his second letter to the church, had sobering statements to make about being found diligent by Jesus upon his return. He warned of those who twisted the writings of his fellow Apostle, Paul, and who would instruct people in error and lead them astray. Peter was concerned about the danger this posed to both new and mature Christians—that they would be swept away from Christ by wrongheaded thinking.
The antidote? “But you, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Master and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah” (2 Peter 3:18).
This is why classes are so important for our church family, alongside Community. Because not only do we need relationships to hold us fast to Christ, but knowledge.
Our current semester begins on Sunday, January 12th, 2025 and will run through Sunday, May 18th, 2025.
Led by Nick Tessitore
Classroom 102 | 10:45am
Led by Jonathan Fast & Seth Richardson
Multipurpose Room | 10:45am
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Community Groups
Community Groups are for everyone, in any stage of life, where every person offers a unique contribution to this smaller expression of the family of God. The Scriptures are clear that community is a non-negotiable on the journey of growing one step closer to Jesus. To find a group or learn more about how we practice community, contact Jim LaCroix or any of the facilitators listed below.
Hill/Treat Community Group
Unshakeable Hope by Max Lucado
1st & 3rd Mondays @ 6pm | Lobby
Led by George & Julie Hill, and Jim & Diane Treat
For more information contact Diane @ 719-221-4937 or
Higgins Community Group
Genesis by Max Lucado
Mondays @ 6pm | Alternating between Howard and Poncha Springs
Led by Dan & Tammy Higgins, and Dennis & Brenda Heckel
For more information contact Dan @ 719.539.5715 or
Molesky/Megyeri Community Group
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 6pm | Location Varies
Led by Matthew & Susan Molesky, and Kevin & Suzette Megyeri
For more information contact Suzette @ 719.291.2046 or
Fast/Baker Community Group
Wednesdays @ 6pm | Fast Home
Led by Jonathan & Rachel Fast, and Scott & Natalie Baker
For more information contact Rachel at 719.659.2558 or
Richardson/Hilbig Community Group
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
Thursdays @ 6:30pm | Location Varies
Led by Seth & Susie Richardson, and Roger & Lisa Hilbig
For more information contact Susie at 719.221.1948 or
LaCroix/Grimes Community Group
Prodigal God by Tim Keller
Every other Sunday @ 6pm | Location Varies
Led by Jim & Nancy LaCroix, and Ethan & Emily Grimes
For more information contact Jim at 719.221.4996 or
Weeks/Ball Community Group
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
Every other Sunday @ 6pm | Location Varies
Led by Mike & Jessica Weeks, and Tim & Angela Ball
For more information contact Mike at 703.209.0709 or
Care Ministry
Grace Church Care Ministry exists to help you find, trust and follow God through the challenges of life, while connecting with others for encouragement and support.
Spiritual Care is offered for anyone facing one of life’s challenging issues and desiring spiritual counsel. It provides biblically-based guidance to pursue healing, restoration, and living lives honoring to God in a safe and caring environment. Spiritual care is not considered professional therapy or counseling.
Check back for future events!
Community Care is a ministry of encouragement to support individuals outside the family of Grace Church as they encounter the challenges of life. Grace Church works in cooperation with other local missions groups focused on caring assistance for those in need.
This group is for family members and friends who have lost a loved one. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Church Family Care is a ministry of encouragement to support the family of Grace Church as they encounter the challenges of life. Assistance takes many forms.
Call the church office @ 719.539.2693 to let us know how we may minister to you in your needs and challenges.
Prayer connects you with God at a deeper level as you bring your needs and your gratitude to Him. Throughout the week, there are people available to listen and pray with you. Experience the comfort and peace prayer can bring. These are some ways to connect with the prayer ministry here at Grace.
Online Prayer Requests
Outreach Ministries
Darius & Suendy Ernst
Mission Enabler International: Mexico
Hosting short-term mission teams, running 5-month Discipleship Training Schools, doing community development work and working at our K–12 school, Kingdom Academy, for needy children. Suendy is the Director for Kingdom Academy and Darius is the Minsitry Leader and serves on the National Leadership Team for YWAM.
P.O. Box 2127
Bentonville, AR 72712
Matt & Kristy Messick
Loja, Ecuador
Kristy and Matt have been working with individuals, couples and families since 2016 through their ministry ‘MAS en Mi Matrimonio’ (MORE in My Marriage). Through an 8-week marriage course, a parenting course, a Facebook page as well as mentoring/counseling, the Messicks have been working to support and strengthen marriages and families in Loja, Ecuador as well as within the Latino context in many other places. Using the Bible and the gospel to guide and instruct, they are seeing couples learn to overcome challenges and begin to have stronger marriages and homes.
Casilla 11-01-420
Loja, Ecuador
Barefoot Doctors | Bruce & Dovie Gross
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Serving as frontier laborers for Christ, training Burmese villagers in basic medical care as an evangelistic tool.
7711 Vista Circle
Salida, CO 81201
Seed of Hope
Family Connections Foundation: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Providing a Christians dorm for Akha children with a focus on Christian education and citizenship
Leon & Cheryl Hill
Evangelizing, discipling and planting churches in Japan. Ministering among the intellectually handicapped and serving as consultants for new missionaries.
1501 W. Mineral Ave.
Littleton, CO 80120
Ryan & Rebecca Stowell
Seed of Hope/Cord Ministries International: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Alleviating poverty, providing educational opportunities, developing sustainable vocations and guiding spiritual formation
Cord Ministries International
P.O. Box 102
Wheaton, IL 60187

Marvin Cowan
Marvin was raised in a Mormon home. He served as a deacon and teacher in the LDS priesthood but was confronted with the gospel as a teenager and accepted Christ. Marvin then attended Denver Seminary. His first ministry was church planting, now most of his efforts are focused on evangelizing Mormons and helping other Christians become more effective in reaching them. He publishes books and tracts that show the difference between Mormonism and the Bible.

Tom Durrant
Tom serves as a chaplain with the Washington State Patrol. He focuses on gaining the trust of other officers. He occasionally is called upon to interact with the victims of a crime or, on rare occasions, the actual criminal. He resides in Renton, Washington.

Darius & Suendy Ernst
Darius, Suendy and daughter Grace Ernst serve with YWAM in Cuna Maya, Mexico. They disciple others in ministry, reach out to the city through evangelism, and help the needy through a variety of community development projects.

Leon & Sheryl Hill
Leon is Pastor George’s older brother and the Hills minister in Japan. They minister to the intellectually handicapped and help with a new church plant in Ryugoako. They also disciple young women and continue to minister in the Triple Disaster Area of Japan.
Leon, Cheryl, Jeffrey, Abby, and Naoaki can be reached easily through Facebook just search Leon-Cheryl Hill. You can also give directly to them and their ministry at World Venture, just select the “Give Now” tab, then “Search Workers and Funds”, and search for the Hills.

Matt & Kristy Messick
Matt & Kristy are members of Grace Church. They have been serving in Loja Ecuador for the last years. Their focus is on building relationships, women’s ministry, evangelism, and couples counseling. They have 6 children who are a part of their ministry as well, Jonah, Micha, Elijah, Taylah, Judah, and Annaliyah.
The Messicks are now living in Ecuador with their six kids and are following God’s guidance every day. They continually find themselves matching up with God’s plan for them. It’s an exciting time and they are completely devoted to helping people in Loja learn how to fight and stand firm for their marriages.

Ryan & Rebecca Stowell
Ryan & Rebecca work with the Akha people, who have fled out of Burma (Myanmar). Together with the Family Connection Foundation, the Stowells have started Seed of Hope, a Christian-based dorm for Akha children. Because many Akha people are not Thai citizens, they live in poverty and have difficulty accessing education, making these children at higher risk of being sold into child labor, slavery, or prostitution. The goal of Seed of Hope is to lead students to an active relationship with God through Jesus Christ and to give children from remote villages access to public education, college education, & development of sustainable practices through planting crops, raising animals, & creating viable business opportunities.
If you ever have more questions, please feel free to reach out to them and sign up with Rebecca to get her newsletter every month. She does an amazing job at updating their partners and would love to keep you updated as well. If you would like to donate to Ryan and Rebecca personally or to the Seed of Hope just visit this link and select the proper fund under the designation drop down menu.