Classes & Seminars

The Apostle Peter, writing his final words in his second letter to the church, had sobering statements to make about being found diligent by Jesus upon his return. He warned of those who twisted the writings of his fellow Apostle, Paul, and who would instruct people in error and lead them astray. Peter was concerned about the danger this posed to both new and mature Christians—that they would be swept away from Christ by wrongheaded thinking.

The antidote? “But you, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Master and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah.” (2 Peter 3:18).

This is why classes are so important for our church family, alongside Community. Because not only do we need relationships to hold us fast to Christ, but knowledge.

Our classes and seminars for Fall 2024 will be announced late summer. Come back then to see details and choose where you will grow One Step Closer to Jesus.