One Step Closer

The most important thing you should know about Grace Church as you consider checking us out is that the aim of absolutely everything we do is to grow one step closer to Jesus. And we believe that can only happen when a Gentle Environment made up of the Good News, and Safety, and Time are present. It’s where we’re finally free to grow one step closer to Jesus.

Friend, Jesus brings us Good News for bad people through his finished work on the cross and the endless power of the Holy Spirit. Multiple exposures. Constant immersion. Wave upon wave of grace and truth, according to the Bible.

Jesus makes Safety truly possible: a non-accusing environment. No embarrassing anyone. No manipulation. No oppression. No condescension. But respect and sympathy and understanding, where sinners can confess and unburden their souls. A church environment where no one seeking the Lord has anything to fear.

And Jesus gives us all the Time we need: no pressure. Not even self-imposed pressure. No deadlines on growth. Urgency, but not hurry, because no one changes quickly. A lot of space for complicated people to rethink their lives at a deep level. God is patient, dear friend.

At Grace Church, we’re constantly working on bringing about this Gentle Environment where we can all grow one step closer to Jesus.

What We Believe

What to Expect

Our Leadership

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Curious about what a Sunday at Grace is like? You can watch past sermons on our YouTube channel, or subscribe and listen via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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1320 D Street
Salida, CO 81201

P.O. Box 100
Salida, CO 81201
